Monday, October 3, 2016

Atomic Theory Unit 2

We will study atomic theory for about a month.  In the Modern Chemistry text you should be studying in both Chapter 3 (complete review problems 1 to 23 odd) and in Chapter 4 (complete review problems 1 to 29 odd) due by 11/17 .
In addition to study of the text and your class notes you should consider the internet, especially YouTube chemistry channels, an essential part of learning chemistry well.  WATCH ALL VIDEOS...


Lab 4: Acetylene Relative Density
W/S 3.2 Isotopes and Ions due 10/11
L 5: Conservation of Mass due 10/18
W/S 3.3 Build an Atom Phet Simulation
Activity: Chalk Activity
L 6: Emperical formula of magnesium oxide lab report 
For Lab 6 the empirical formula of magnesium oxide you will need to enter your class data on this spreadsheet and you will use the data set from all the classes in your formal lab write up.  Post lab calculations, assumptions NOTES due 11/3
W/S 3.5: The Mole
L 7 Flame Tests packet due 11/8
W/S 3.6 electron configuration
Test Review Key
Test on Unit 2 11/21

Magnesium Oxide Empirical Formula Lab


Initial Feedback Form

Link to SYNERGY (your online grade)
creation of chem: law of conservation of mass crash course 
the history of atomic chemistry crash course youtube
how electrons, protons and neutrons were discovered
isotopes brightstorm
ions what are they? fuse school
calcium carbide fire ice demo periodic table of videos 
Calcium carbide explosion Flinn Scientific 
the mole Ted-Ed (1)
The Mole Intro DeWitt channel
The Mole Bozeman Science
The Mole Khan Academy
stoichiometry The Mole crashcourse (4)
The Mole brightstorm (2)
molar mass brightstorm (3)
About spectrum types Thonley
Flame tests video
What is Fire?
10 minute visual history of the universe... where matter comes from
the big bang big history crashcourse 
Great interactive website on scale in the measurable universe is at
emission spectra demonstration slides. conservation of energy.
online bohr model activity
emission spectra of elements
Flame Test Spectroscope Lab
How scientists 'see' atoms
atomic emission spectra Richard Thornley 
 A short history of atomic theory chp. 3 SLIDES PRESENTATION
Arrangement of electrons chp. 4 SLIDES PRESENTATION
electromagnetic spectrum intro (1)
electromagnetic spectrum brightstorm (2)
electromagnetic spectrum documentary(3)
electron configurations crashcourse (4)
visual build up of atomic orbitals
atomic orbital tutorial
quantum mechanics of electron 'shells'
quantum orbitals and electon configurations
writing electron configurations tutorial
Schrodinger's Model of the Atom and electrons. Whoa.
Carbon dating how does it work?
standard model particle physics fermilab
stopping light and quantum computers (extra topic brought up in class)
Atoms and Staab Cleveland student video
Atomic Theory IB SLIDES Presentation
Atomic theory playlist Thornley

Here's a link to PTABLE.COM

Build an Atom
Click to Run
cathode ray  with magnetic field

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